International Fukiyado Sport Blowgun world Record
 T.Point Game
  A class:10 m,30 darts

   *206 point by Mr. Jean Francoi Boulmier on May 12 2007
    At Lancette V Competition by France Sport Blowgun Association
   *198 point by Mr.Wayne Wilson Oldwayne48☆ on Jun 11 2005
    At No.1 International Sport Blowgun Competition by NSBA and MSBA
   *198 point by Mr.Masaru Takahashi on May 31 2006
    At Mitsubishi Electric Co. gymansium Kamakura Kanagawa prefecture.
    Organizer: JSFA Shonan Kamakura Branch.Witteness 32.
   *198 point by Mr.Morikuni Matsumoto on Nov.4 2007
     At No.16 International Fukiyado All Japan Competition at Kasugai Gymnasium
   *198 point by Mr. Jeff Boulmier on Oct.7 2006
    At Paris shooting game show Paris Esbas champerette hall A
    Organizer: www.
   *196 point by Mr. Sadao Mori on Sep.23 2006
    At No. 14 IFA All Japan Competition in Momozono center Nakano Tokyo.
   * 194 point by Mr.Morikuni Matsumoto(Amagasakishi) on Jun 13 2004
    At No.1 International Sport Blowgun Competition by NSBA and MSBA
   * 192 point by Mr.Katsuhiro.Hosokawa(Nagaoka) on Sep.8 2003
    Nagaoka Sports Blowgun Club Meeting at Nagaoka south gymnasium.
    Mr.David Sustak 192 points  Metro Sport Blowgun Association 2005
    Mr.Kevin Kinsey 192 points  Northan Main Sport Blwogun Association 2005
  B class: 8m, 30 darts
   *206 point: Mr.Morikuni Matsumoto Mar.19 2006 1st Tokushima Blowgun Championship 
   *206 point: Mr.Haruichi Kato Mar.16 2006 JSFA Odawara branch meeting
   *204 point: Mr. Ken Takahashi Jul.13 2004JSFA Fujisawashi branch meeting
U.Matchbox dropping record(Perfect game is 10 darts)
10 matchboxes 10 m away were dropped by 16 darts by
   *Mr. Morikuni Matsumoto (Amagasakishi) at No.5 Int'nal Sports Blowgun
   Competition at Nagaoka South Gymnasiuml.On Apr.29 2002
V.Consecutive hits : The darts hit consecutively 7 points circle(6cm )at 10 m.
   *11 bull eye shots by Mr. Sadao Mori(Nisshinshi)  .
    Mar.4 2006 at No.14 IFA All Japan Competition.Momozono center Nakano Tokyo.
   *10 bull eye shots by Mr.M .Matsumoto(Amagasakishi)
    Sep.23 2003 at No8 International Sports Blowgun
   Competition which took place at Nagaoka south gymnasium.
*10 bull eye shots by Mz.Harue Takizawa(Koshigayashi)
   May 15 2005 at No.11 IFA Competition in Ichihara Chiba prefecture.
W.Long Distance Record
   * New long distance rule:3 hits out of five in the 18 cm circle
    Apr.x.2008 France Sport Blowgun Competition
    Mime        24m
    Jul.7.8 2007 at France Sport Blowgun Competition
    1.Marcobal    22m
    2.Jeff       21m
    3.Patrick     20m
   * Following records are based on the old rule.
    (one out of three in the 24 cm(9.4 in)circle )
Mr.Bruce Bell marked 36 meter in Flemington,NJ at the Metro Sport Blowgun
    Association meeting on April.3 2004. 
    Witness: Mr. Bharles Brighthaupt and david Sustak.
    He used 4 ft.long .40 caliber blowgun and one of three darts hit the target.
   *Mr.Stephane Joaneau marked 35 meter on July 19th 2005, the FSBA held
    the first sport blowgun competition in Strasbourg (France)
    Witnesses : Pierre-Emmanuel Debergh (FSBA President) and
    Stephane Barbier (Contact for the French Switzerland) and more.
    *Mr.Sadao Mori marked 35 meter at Aichigakuin Univ.gymnasium
    on Mar 4.The sceen was aired by Nihon TV Omoikkiri TV on Mar.13.
   *Mr.Takashi Yoshida marked 34 meter at parking lot in Nirasaki near Mt.Fuji
    on Dec.19 2002. Check person: Two Nirasaki police men.
Mr. Tinus Els marked 30 meter at No.2 South Africa Blowgun competition
     on Sep.8 2001 at Menlyn shopping center in Pretria. He hit two darts.

*Mr. Morikuni Matsumoto (Amagasakishi) marked 28 meter at No.4 All Japan
    Sports Fukiya Competition on May 6 2001 at Tokyo dream land gymnasium.
    *Mr.H.Kishimoto(Omihachimanshi) marked 24 meter on Mar.26 2000 at JSFA
    No.1 Sports Blowgun Festival.Tokyo Dream Land Gymnasium
   * Mr. Henry Strachan marked 24 meter at the first South Africa Blowgun
    Competition on Jun 26 2001.

International Fukiyado Assocation
Co-chairman Hironori Higuchi